
Innovating Defense Solutions with Advanced Glass Products

Bulletproof Glass


Kratos Glass has been a leading name in the defense industry, continually adapting its product line to cater to the evolving needs of defense applications. With an extensive range of specialized glass products, including bulletproof glass, fire-resistant glass, impact-resistant glass, polycarbonate and waterproof glass, flat and curved glass, and laminated glass, Kratos Glass has redefined the standards of safety and protection, providing comprehensive defense solutions for an array of complex security challenges.

Bulletproof Glass:

Advanced Ballistic Protection: Kratos Glass’s bulletproof glass solutions offer superior ballistic protection, ensuring the safety and security of defense installations and vehicles against high-velocity threats and potential security breaches.

Customized Solutions for Diverse Requirements: With a focus on customization, Kratos Glass delivers tailored bulletproof glass solutions that meet the unique security specifications and design preferences of various defense applications.

Fire-Resistant Glass Solutions:

Certified Fire Protection: Kratos Glass’s fire-resistant glass, classified as A30, A60, and A90, provides certified protection for defense infrastructures, ensuring optimal safety and security during fire-related emergencies and maintaining structural integrity under challenging conditions.

Durability and Reliability: Engineered with advanced fireproof technologies, Kratos Glass’s fire-resistant glass solutions offer enhanced durability and reliability, making them an ideal choice for defense installations that require stringent fire safety standards.

Impact-Resistant Glass:

Uncompromising Protection against Impact: Kratos Glass’s impact-resistant glass solutions offer uncompromising protection against high-impact forces, safeguarding defense infrastructures and vehicles from external threats and ensuring superior defense capabilities in demanding environments.

Innovative Material Technologies: Equipped with innovative material technologies, Kratos Glass’s impact-resistant glass products provide superior protection and durability, meeting the rigorous demands of modern defense applications.

Polycarbonate and Waterproof Glass:

Enhanced Durability in Challenging Environments: Kratos Glass’s polycarbonate and waterproof glass solutions are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures and water infiltration, ensuring reliable and consistent performance in the most demanding defense settings.

Versatile Applications in Defense Infrastructure: Kratos Glass’s waterproof glass solutions find versatile applications in defense infrastructure, providing superior water resistance and durability for critical defense assets, including naval installations and vessels.

Flat and Curved Glass:

Aesthetic Integration in Defense Architecture: Kratos Glass’s flat and curved glass solutions seamlessly integrate with defense architecture, providing an ideal blend of aesthetics and functionality, enhancing the visual appeal and structural integrity of defense structures.

Customizable Designs for Varied Applications: Kratos Glass offers customizable flat and curved glass solutions tailored to the specific security and design requirements of different defense applications, ensuring optimal defense capabilities without compromising on style and aesthetics.

Laminated Glass Innovations:

Reinforced Structural Integrity: Kratos Glass’s laminated glass solutions enhance the structural integrity of defense infrastructure, providing robust protection against various forms of impact and intrusion, safeguarding critical defense assets from potential threats and hazards.

Tailored Laminated Solutions for Defense Needs: With a focus on customization, Kratos Glass delivers tailored laminated glass solutions that cater to the unique security preferences and design specifications of different defense installations, ensuring maximum protection and reliability.


Kratos Glass continues to be a trusted name in the defense industry, offering a diverse range of advanced glass products that cater to the diverse security needs of modern defense applications. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, Kratos Glass remains dedicated to providing state-of-the-art defense glass solutions that ensure optimal safety and protection in the face of evolving security challenges.

This article highlights Kratos Glass’s contributions to the defense industry with its comprehensive range of advanced glass solutions, emphasizing the brand’s commitment to innovation and excellence in defense glass technology.